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Urban metabolism study
Urban Metabolism, a concept encompassing the entire spectrum of energy and material consumption and transformation within a city’s operation, plays a vital role in advancing the principles of the circular economy.
Explore our comprehensive studies on the circular economy in the City of Paris, Métropole du Grand Paris, and the Ile-de-France Region below.
Building materials and construction site waste flow analysis for the reuse and recycling
The efficient management of building demolition and refurbishment waste is of paramount importance in the context of the circular economy in France. By prioritizing waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and material recovery, France can conserve precious natural resources, curb landfill waste, and significantly lower its carbon footprint.
For more information on our projects in this field, explore our work in Paris La Défense, Plaine Commune, and Rennes Métropole below.
Localization and visualisation of construction materials and waste flows with CirculApp
Visualize waste, material needs, and recycling opportunities. Analyze yearly flow trends and enhance your local recycling knowledge. Transform urban renewal waste into a resource with recycled materials. Embrace circular practices, innovate your business, and create a more resource-efficient territory. Explore the recycling and reuse ecosystem through CirculApp.
Explore construction material flow data on French Cities on

Materials and waste flow analysis from construction sites of Paris La Défense
Construction material flow analysis on Paris La Défense. Find out more on or click the button below

Urban metabolism of Métropole du Grand Paris
Study of urban metabolism on a metropolitan scale and creation of territorial & industrial ecology tools for the Métropole du Grand Paris In partnership with Institut Paris Region, Inddigo, Mydiane. Click Learn More button to download the final study results.

Materials and waste flow analysis from construction and demolition sites on Rennes Métropole
Find out more on or click the button below

Urban metabolism of Paris

Materials and waste flow analysis from construction and demolition sites on Est-Ensemble
The project was born out of the ambition of the project owner, Est Ensemble,